Wednesday, October 5, 2011

and the loser is... the public!

a slackers guide to the irish presidential debate 2011. a mugnificent 7 collection of gombeens, deluded fools, and unfortunates. the good the bad and the ugly of modern ireland. It could only have been worse had pat 'bilderberg' cox have won the fine gael nomination or our ex emperor bertie decided to stand.

still at least we have vincent browne. sigh!

Friday, September 9, 2011

a mad dog president?!?

So bertie came out of his news of the world cupboard to say he was convinced he would have walked the race for the park!
where has he been living these last few years? (in a cupboard?) only muammar gaddafi could touch him for being as deluded and blinded by power and seeing that the gig is up... still he has his gold plated pension to look forward to. and his expenses. and his croke park birthday bash. and so on... sigh!

Monday, August 15, 2011


in an episode from yes minister 2011, the prime Minister comments on the recent upheavals in the UK...

morally BANKrupt!

The world is in chaos. England is in flames. meanwhile over at Oldman Snatch our betters discuss events...

Friday, July 15, 2011


another acronym enters Irish life, says it all really!
this weeks irish times in an alternative reality.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ANORAK LIFE for president!

if reykjavik can elect a crass loving comedian as mayor (really!) why not a 2D slacker as president of ireland?
It has to be better than Gay Mitchell or Pat 'which party am i in now?' -Bilderberg-Cox and any number of people who are famous for being on reality tv or who said something fashionably liberal once.

think gorillaz. but in the phoenix park. or wherever a fictional character lives?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

progress irish style

Ah the innocence... the supermodels were bad but our highly paid gombeens now are worse. 
same shit different decade. hello IMF how are ya!

morgan says relax...

1980s - we were broke, in debt and governed by gombeens. 

2011. same shit different decade with a receeding hairline!

Sadly our rock stars are now singing for governments and bankers.
Economics is the new rock 'n' roll. That's progress Irish style.

Originally published in this week's phoenix magazine.

Friday, May 13, 2011

anorak life : black friday the 13th

Ah black friday. an excuse to be gloomy. so leave poor Morgan Kelly alone.

He's just another Smiths fan who doesn't like rugger buggers. or middle aged bankers who used to be rugger buggers.

anoraks of the world unite!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

anorak life: day 14

another humdrum day in the life... failure and the front page of the daily mail!

could be a morrissey lyric. sigh!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

anorak life: day 13

the eternal stress test of an irish tax payer.
if you weren't stressed before today you will be now!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

anorak life: day 10

live from the tribunal. the bribes, the booze, the birds... anorak life tells all!

It was back in the 90s, sure everyone was at it. allegedly!

full coverage live from the couch. now!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

anorak life: day 9

News just in of a total fuckin' waster appointed to Enda Kenny's cabinet!
In other news geek anti-hero, anorak life was there too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

anorak life: day 8

the last laugh of the damned!

in the words of Denis Leary, "light 'em up boys we're going down!"
this slacker got up from his couch to attend government talks yesterday. probably.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

anorak life: day seven

A Slackers Guide to the Irish General Election 2011

Following the Irish general election.
Exclusive coverage. From my armchair.
Getting ready to "meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

anorak life: day six

the armchair slacker's guide to the irish general election 2011. yesterday's special newspaper supplement. allegedly!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Frontline Party Leaders Debate 2011. Valentine Special

An anorak's guide to the Irish general election coverage. 
Live from rté. Yesterday! Allegedly.
These people continue to 'say nothing to me about my life'. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011