Thursday, March 31, 2011

anorak life: day 13

the eternal stress test of an irish tax payer.
if you weren't stressed before today you will be now!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

anorak life: day 10

live from the tribunal. the bribes, the booze, the birds... anorak life tells all!

It was back in the 90s, sure everyone was at it. allegedly!

full coverage live from the couch. now!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

anorak life: day 9

News just in of a total fuckin' waster appointed to Enda Kenny's cabinet!
In other news geek anti-hero, anorak life was there too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

anorak life: day 8

the last laugh of the damned!

in the words of Denis Leary, "light 'em up boys we're going down!"
this slacker got up from his couch to attend government talks yesterday. probably.